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Magic ready mixed compound-18kg

Magic ready mixed compound-18kg

box of 12 No. -Magic Yellow Low Expansion Foam

box of 12 No. -Magic Yellow Low Expansion Foam

Magic Gypsum Joint Filler & Top Coat 10kg

€18.45 €15.00
START GYPSUM JOINT FILLERis used for all types of preparing works for interiors of the buildings: from grouting of plaster-cardboard boards, filling of wider gaps and cracks and smoothing of surface’s irregularities. Its advantage is a short drying time that shortens surface’s preparation time for finishing works. After drying is very solid, layers up to 3 cm can be applied.
START GYPSUM JOINT FILLER has been designed for grouting of plaster-cardboard boards with a use of reinforcement tape. It is perfect for all types of renovation works, like: filling in the cracks and gaps, as well as smoothing of walls and ceilings before final finishing touches.
It can be used on a variety of surfaces: ceramic and silica bricks, concrete hollow bricks and blocks, autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC), gypsum and cement plaster as well as cement-limey, plasterboards. It can only be used for the interiors of a normal humidity, including kitchens, bathrooms under the condition that the layer of the plaster is not often, and definitely not continuously, exposed to water action.
START GYPSUM JOINT FILLER is to be used on walls, partition walls and ceilings not designed as fire proof and / or not forming parts of fire proof zones in the buildings, as well as reinforcing of wooden scaffold or roof truss due to wind works. It is only for interior use. Do not use on metal, wooden or plastic surfaces.
START GYPSUM JOINT FILLER is a dry mix of the highest quality of synthetic construction gypsum and carefully selected modification components; those were selected so they can ensure the maximum job comfort and correct exploitation parameters.
Good wettability of the components prevents creation of clumps and high plasticity makes wet application, spreading and smoothing much easier. This product is very adhesive to the surface, has got good hardness, high durability for flexing and squeezing, it is easy to process and has got high level of smoothness of the surface.
Surface must be dry, have good carrying capability, and be hard-wearing. Before you start, clear the surface from any loose elements, residues from old paint works and any other contaminations that can affect the adhesiveness and jointing.
When grouting the plasterboards priming is not required. When using  START GYPSUM JOINT FILLER to smoothen the walls, before you start use  PRIMER EMULSION GRUNT. Surfaces with high absorbance qualities should be primed twice. All metal elements that are touching the plaster must be protected from corrosion.
Pour dry product (20kg) from the packaging into a container that contains approx. 11 l of clear water (approx. 0.57 l water for 1 kg of dry product) and stir manually or mechanically, in slow motion, to avoid airing and speeding up time for the plaster to join. The amount of the water should be as per required thickness of plaster. Before applying the mixture please wait approx. 5 minutes and then stir it again.
Plaster finish should be applied only with the use of stainless steel tools. Use only clean tools, containers and clear water. Plaster mix keeps its qualities through approx. 50 minutes since it has been diluted with water. Joining of plaster boards is by filling in the gaps between the boards, squeezing it precisely into the gap on the edge of them. Next, onto freshly applied mix, embed reinforcement tape.
After mix solidifies, apply the mix again, to ensure smoothness of the surface; after mix sets and dries on the joints, remove any roughness with the sand paper or polishing mesh. When speckling, any correction of the surface can be made within 15 minutes from the application of the plaster.
Time of surface solidification depends on the thickness of applied layer, texture of the mix, ventilation of the interior, humidity and air temperature. Before you apply the second layer, the surface should be primed with the  PRIMER EMULSION. Second layer can only be applied after first completely solidifies and dries. Any imperfections you must then spackle and polish.
Product usage: approx. 0.9 kg for 1 sq m, with spackling thickness 1 mm, 0.4 kg / 1 sq m (joining of plasterboards). Ratios of the mix: 1 kg of dry product for approx. 0.57 l of water. Maximum thickness of the layer up to 3 cm. Start of binding time: 80 minutes. End of binding time: 105 minutes. Volume of water removed from the solution: 0.22 g. Graining: 1.0 mm – 0%, 0.2 mm – 0.04%. Adhesion to the concrete: 1.15 MPa, to AAC: 0.51 MPa, ceramic brick: 0.86 MPa, plasterboard: 0.57 MPa, card-plasterboard: 0.62MPa. Compressive strength: 8.41MPa. Flexural strength: 2.18 MPa. Usage temperature: from +5 to +25 C degrees. Best before (in the original packaging) – 6 months. This product is not classified as flammable and not igniting fires. This product meets the polish standard: EN 13279-1:2008.
Caution: This product contains calcium hydroxide that can irritate eyes, airways, and skin.
This product is to be transported and stored in tightly closed, original packaging, separated from any wet basis.
Availability: In stock
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START GYPSUM JOINT FILLERis used for all types of preparing works for interiors of the buildings: from grouting of plaster-cardboard boards, filling of wider gaps and cracks and smoothing of surface’s irregularities. Its advantage is a short drying time that shortens surface’s preparation time for finishing works. After drying is very solid, layers up to 3 cm can be applied.
START GYPSUM JOINT FILLER has been designed for grouting of plaster-cardboard boards with a use of reinforcement tape. It is perfect for all types of renovation works, like: filling in the cracks and gaps, as well as smoothing of walls and ceilings before final finishing touches.
It can be used on a variety of surfaces: ceramic and silica bricks, concrete hollow bricks and blocks, autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC), gypsum and cement plaster as well as cement-limey, plasterboards. It can only be used for the interiors of a normal humidity, including kitchens, bathrooms under the condition that the layer of the plaster is not often, and definitely not continuously, exposed to water action.
START GYPSUM JOINT FILLER is to be used on walls, partition walls and ceilings not designed as fire proof and / or not forming parts of fire proof zones in the buildings, as well as reinforcing of wooden scaffold or roof truss due to wind works. It is only for interior use. Do not use on metal, wooden or plastic surfaces.
START GYPSUM JOINT FILLER is a dry mix of the highest quality of synthetic construction gypsum and carefully selected modification components; those were selected so they can ensure the maximum job comfort and correct exploitation parameters.
Good wettability of the components prevents creation of clumps and high plasticity makes wet application, spreading and smoothing much easier. This product is very adhesive to the surface, has got good hardness, high durability for flexing and squeezing, it is easy to process and has got high level of smoothness of the surface.
Surface must be dry, have good carrying capability, and be hard-wearing. Before you start, clear the surface from any loose elements, residues from old paint works and any other contaminations that can affect the adhesiveness and jointing.
When grouting the plasterboards priming is not required. When using  START GYPSUM JOINT FILLER to smoothen the walls, before you start use  PRIMER EMULSION GRUNT. Surfaces with high absorbance qualities should be primed twice. All metal elements that are touching the plaster must be protected from corrosion.
Pour dry product (20kg) from the packaging into a container that contains approx. 11 l of clear water (approx. 0.57 l water for 1 kg of dry product) and stir manually or mechanically, in slow motion, to avoid airing and speeding up time for the plaster to join. The amount of the water should be as per required thickness of plaster. Before applying the mixture please wait approx. 5 minutes and then stir it again.
Plaster finish should be applied only with the use of stainless steel tools. Use only clean tools, containers and clear water. Plaster mix keeps its qualities through approx. 50 minutes since it has been diluted with water. Joining of plaster boards is by filling in the gaps between the boards, squeezing it precisely into the gap on the edge of them. Next, onto freshly applied mix, embed reinforcement tape.
After mix solidifies, apply the mix again, to ensure smoothness of the surface; after mix sets and dries on the joints, remove any roughness with the sand paper or polishing mesh. When speckling, any correction of the surface can be made within 15 minutes from the application of the plaster.
Time of surface solidification depends on the thickness of applied layer, texture of the mix, ventilation of the interior, humidity and air temperature. Before you apply the second layer, the surface should be primed with the  PRIMER EMULSION. Second layer can only be applied after first completely solidifies and dries. Any imperfections you must then spackle and polish.
Product usage: approx. 0.9 kg for 1 sq m, with spackling thickness 1 mm, 0.4 kg / 1 sq m (joining of plasterboards). Ratios of the mix: 1 kg of dry product for approx. 0.57 l of water. Maximum thickness of the layer up to 3 cm. Start of binding time: 80 minutes. End of binding time: 105 minutes. Volume of water removed from the solution: 0.22 g. Graining: 1.0 mm – 0%, 0.2 mm – 0.04%. Adhesion to the concrete: 1.15 MPa, to AAC: 0.51 MPa, ceramic brick: 0.86 MPa, plasterboard: 0.57 MPa, card-plasterboard: 0.62MPa. Compressive strength: 8.41MPa. Flexural strength: 2.18 MPa. Usage temperature: from +5 to +25 C degrees. Best before (in the original packaging) – 6 months. This product is not classified as flammable and not igniting fires. This product meets the polish standard: EN 13279-1:2008.
Caution: This product contains calcium hydroxide that can irritate eyes, airways, and skin.
This product is to be transported and stored in tightly closed, original packaging, separated from any wet basis.
More Information
Product Code 247-SF125