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The work carried out during the severe weather conditions can lead to unexpected events, such as run-off and cracking of render surface layer.
The plaster, mixed with the SpeedTop additive, must be applied within approx. 1.5 hours.
It can be applied in air, substrate and material temperatures as low as 1°C (minimum temperature).
IMPORTANT: Prepare only the amount of the render, which can be used within 1.5 hours.
After this time, the unused contents of the bucket will react in the package and will not be suitable for further use.
With correct application of render with Baumit SpeedTop after 4 to 6 hours it achieves an early resistance to rain,
reducing the risk of runoff render facade. It must be noticed that at that time a fresh layer can not be frozen, as it loses its properties.
In the case of long-term temperature drops and heavy rain in the initial phase of the render setting it is recommended to use additional
protection in the form of protective curtains.
Weather conditions often interrupt facade works due to heavy rain or drastically decreasing temperature.
Antifreeze additive allows work in the temperature range from + 1°C to +15°C.
Transport Cost (%) | 130 |